When we encourage you to live a fit52 life, we are not talking about shredded abs. We’re talking about finding sustainable ways to practice wellness every day, so you have the energy to chase your kids around the house, pursue your passion project, or say “Yes!” to that next great adventure. Living a fit52 life means finding the balance between your physical and mental fitness.
Not sure how to keep your brain in shape? Here are 5 activities that you can do to boost your mental fitness:
1. Clear Your Mind Through Meditation

Close your eyes, sit still, breathe deeply, and let your thoughts run through you and over you like a gentle breeze.
By training your brain through meditation, you can strengthen its ability to focus, maintain concentration, and regulate emotion. You only need as little as 10 minutes a day to notice results, so try a short mental fitness meditation right after you wake up in the morning or before you settle into bed at night.
If traditional meditation isn’t your thing, think of your own activity that instills a sense of peace. Maybe it’s painting, knitting, playing piano or doing a puzzle. What calms you?
2. Pick Up a Book

Delving into a good book can be one of life’s greatest pleasures. With world-building, poetic plotlines, and captivating characters, a well-written story can provide rich entertainment and lessons. But beyond its ability to stretch your imagination, reading also helps with core mental fitness skills such as visualization and memory recall.
Not a fan of reading paperbacks? Try listening to an audiobook (or even a podcast) for a similar result.
3. Listen to Your Favorite Music

Turn on your favorite tunes and listen—do you notice yourself beginning to follow the underlying rhythm of the songs? By focusing on the lyrics and beat, music can engage your brain and shift your mental energy.
It can be especially effective to listen to music while working out. Acting as a healthy distraction, music will take your mind off of exercise to reduce fatigue and boost endurance.
4. Play a Game

Train your brain through fun games! Find the variety that suits you: games that test your logic (crosswords, board games, puzzles, etc.) may help you build your problem-solving skills, while fast-paced video games can improve your reflexes and ability to multitask.
Either way, you will enhance your mental fitness and have fun doing it!
5. Do a fit52 workout!

Physical and mental fitness are naturally connected in a positive feedback loop. By exercising, you can trigger the release of endorphins and boost oxygen levels in your brain, giving you the fuel to think more clearly.
The dynamic fit52 card shuffle is perfect for keeping your mind on its toes—it’s all in the luck of the draw! Work out with our team of experts, including Carrie Underwood and celebrity trainer Eve Overland, and find your own path to a balanced lifestyle.
If you’re looking for a fun, effective fitness program that understands the importance of balance, try the fit52 app! Download fit52 now.