Want to sculpt your arms and build upper-body strength? We recommend 4 simple arm exercises to train your biceps, triceps, and shoulders.
Arm Sculpting Mini-Workout
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Dumbbells
This mini-workout set only takes around 5 minutes, so repeat it as many times as you’d like. We recommend 3-4 rounds, or you could use this as a bonus round after a fit52 workout.
Ready? Take a few minutes for warmup stretches, then let’s get started!
1. Hammer Curl to Press

- Start standing with a dumbbell in each hand by your sides and palms facing your body.
- Keep your elbows close to your ribcage and curl your arms up toward your shoulders.
- Raise both arms straight overhead to full extension, biceps by your ears.
- Lower your arms back down to your shoulders. Extend your elbows to return to start position.
- Repeat for 11 reps.
2. Knee Forearm Push-Ups

- Start in Forearm Plank position, elbows under shoulders, hips square. Drop your knees straight down to the floor and lift your feet up.
- Shift your weight slightly forward and lower your body toward the floor, bending your elbows and bringing your shoulders toward your wrists.
- Drive through your forearms and lift your body back up to starting position.
- Repeat for 5 reps.
3. Lying Reverse Flies

- Lie on your stomach with legs extended long, forehead resting on the floor, and arms out to a “T,” palms down.
- Raise both arms toward the ceiling as high as you can, keeping your chest, forehead, and lower body on the floor.
- Pause for a beat at the top.
- Return to start position.
- Repeat for 12 reps.
4. Push-Up with Pulse

- Start in Plank position, shoulders over wrists.
- Bend your elbows, pointing them back toward your hips. Lower your body toward the floor.
- Lift your body halfway up and lower back down toward the floor.
- Straighten your arms and raise your body back up to starting position.
- Repeat for 4 reps.
*For an easier exercise, try modified push-ups with your knees on the ground.
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