How do you find your routine, and more importantly, stick to it?
This month’s My Path to Wellness features the story of ShiAnne Witkowski, a college student from Tennessee. Finding herself lost on her own path, she reminds us that when your life drastically changes, you need to be prepared to adapt alongside it. Too often, we find ourselves operating in new schedules and lose track of the most important thing—our physical and mental health.
After coming to a tipping point, ShiAnne knew she had to commit to making a change. So she took to social media! Creating an Instagram account dedicated to her fitness journey, ShiAnne found her stride and now feels stronger than ever before.

Hello fit52 family!

My name is ShiAnne Witkowski. I am originally from Michigan but am now a dental hygiene student at Chattanooga State Community College in Tennessee. When I’m not using the fit52 app, you can find me outdoors. I love to go bike riding, hiking, kayaking, rollerblading, and for walks around my neighborhood.
Growing up, I always had a passion for being active. I was involved in many different sports, including basketball which I played in elementary, middle, and high school.
It wasn’t until I moved away for college where my active lifestyle became more of an inactive lifestyle. Spending multiple hours a day studying and doing schoolwork, I could never find the motivation to work out. That inactive lifestyle began to affect my relationship with food and self-worth/body image. I became very unhappy and I knew a change needed to be made. Finding your routine after years of following a different one can be challenging. So in November 2019, I created my Instagram page to hold myself accountable as I began working out and eating healthier meals.

My advice to anyone out there (especially college students) is to make your physical and mental health a priority.
Finding your routine is easy to establish, but hard to maintain. Being a full-time college student and working part-time, it was hard to find the time to plan my workouts daily. It started to become a struggle. That’s why fit52 has become such a blessing in my life. The app allows me to take the guesswork out of my workouts. It has become a part of my daily routine and has given me confidence I have never had before. My Instragram has documented my entire journey, and it is amazing to see even the slightest bit of progress. Being able to see my body move in ways it hasn’t before, moving up in weights, and seeing muscles I didn’t even know I had is what keeps me motivated. My family, friends, faith, and the amazing fit52 community help me keep pushing, even on the days when my motivation is low.

My advice to anyone out there (especially college students) is to make your physical and mental health a priority. It’s important to take a break on those long study days. Get outside and go for a walk, get some fresh air, or whatever makes you happy. Take time for yourself. To anyone starting out on their wellness journey, just remember that small amounts of progress each day lead to big results. Set small goals and don’t compare yourself or your progress to others. You are beautifully and wonderfully made. Know that every day won’t be perfect, but each day is a brand new day to achieve those goals!
Thank you for taking the time to learn about me and my journey. I’d love to learn about yours! You can connect with me on Instagram or Twitter—I’m always here to offer any support or encouragement!

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