We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: everyone’s path is unique. So don’t be afraid to adapt the fit52 lifestyle to suit your individual needs! This month, we want to share the story of an expecting mother who has evolved her fitness routine to include pregnancy exercises. By listening to her body, Courtney has found the balance in caring for herself and her baby boy’s needs.


Hi fit52 family!
This is Courtney Clarke, a 31-year-old who lives in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. I’m a neonatal intensive care registered nurse, and am soon expecting my first child!
I was a figure skater growing up, but I hit a fitness wall when I left skating behind to transition into college. I let a year slip on by…I’m not one to let the scale bother me, but once I became uncomfortable in my clothes and my mental wellbeing started to suffer, I knew I had to make a lifestyle change. A few classmates suggested heading to fitness classes at the local gym, and the rest is history! 13 years later, the instructors and participants at this gym are some of my closest friends, and the community we create through exercise is so uplifting.
My husband, Darren, is also an amazing partner in my health and wellness journey. We both love to travel and are always sure to incorporate activity into our exploring. We’ve hiked and biked through many countries—across Europe, North America, and Australia—and our biggest accomplishment to date is climbing to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in the fall of 2018.

“Finding your path is a lifestyle—be good most of the time and don’t feel guilty on the days you treat yourself.”
Now 9 years into my career as a neonatal nurse, physical activity has become so much more than staying fit for me. Working in the healthcare field can always be stressful, but heading to work during a worldwide pandemic has been a whole other level. Most days, a workout is my release from a sad or frustrating 12-hour shift. Gym shutdowns during the pandemic have also changed my perspective regarding gym space. Being a “gym rat” for the majority of my life, I now realize I don’t need to be at a gym to get my workout done. I love being able to exercise in the comfort of my own home with my fit52 app!

As I navigate through pregnancy in this time, I am even more thankful for the ability to customize my workouts to reflect my ever-changing body and growing belly. It’s important to keep moving, but I make sure to listen to my body and only do low impact pregnancy exercises. As my husband and I get ready to welcome our little boy into the world early next year, we hope that in leading by example we can teach him the values of a healthy mind and body!
My biggest piece of advice for anyone is please don’t compare yourself to others because your journey is your own! Finding your path is a lifestyle—be good most of the time and don’t feel guilty on the days you treat yourself. We are all human and slip up from time to time. Always remember that any progress is a step in the right direction, and your end goal is to the best version of yourself!
I’d love to connect with more of you fit52 members in the future. You can find me @courtm21 on both on Instagram & Twitter, but be prepared for a little pregnancy spam these days! 😉
Take care & stay safe out there everyone!
Much love always,
Courtney xox

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