
Get to know the fitness expert behind the fit52 method! This month we are featuring Eve Overland, the trainer who developed our unique method of using a deck of cards to create fun, dynamic workout routines.
As Carrie Underwood’s longtime personal trainer, she has extensive experience inspiring clients to follow their own unique fitness journey. Eve is involved in the creation of every path and exercise in the fit52 app, and is deeply passionate about sharing her expertise with our community.

What’s your secret to starting the day off right?
Starting the day off right begins the evening before. Having a healthy nighttime ritual—winding down, quieting your mind, and having a restorative sleep—is so important. It isn’t healthy to wake up with a heightened sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous system. That anxiety carries me through the day, and makes me feel distracted and less productive. In the morning, cardio is a must because I honestly get headaches if I don’t get some type of movement in. And a little caffeine never hurts…
How do you honor your body and stay active?
I honor my body by doing my best every day, and no longer beating myself up or placing unrealistic expectations on myself. As I grow older, I have begun to understand what my body is capable of, and what it is not. Risk vs reward. I am honoring my body by taking it down a notch when needed.
I stay active because this is who I am and have always been! I don’t have any type of “motivation superpower.” I encourage you to stay active doing what you love to do. Whatever that looks like—bowling, golfing, Cross-Fit, biking, being a parent, swimming, singing, or working on a car. Honor your body by moving in the way you were born to and tap into your unique gifts and talents. Find your path.
Eve’s Health & Wellness Picks:
Organifi Gold
I like all the Organifi products, but this one is my favorite. It is a yummy cup of tea that helps you relax and wind down. It tastes like a golden milk latte with spices like Thanksgiving. It’s great for inflammation and recovery from exercise. Plus, it has all the superfoods to support healthy sleep and a strong immune system.
WIN Laundry Detergent
This is a relatively new find for me, but I highly recommend it. It is designed for workout clothes, which is pretty much all I own. On tour, we don’t always get to wash our clothes as often as we would at home, so my sweaty clothes would sit in a laundry bag and fester. I’ve had to retire so many pieces of expensive workout gear because the smell just wouldn’t go away…WIN actually saved me from having to burn them! If it works for my extreme circumstance, I am confident you’ll like it too.
When I visited a close friend in LA, I was completely overwhelmed by how beautiful her skin was and how YOUNG she looked. She told me that her dermatologist recommended Bio-Oil for her face. Nothing fancy or expensive and you can get it literally anywhere. I’ve been using it every night since!
Do you have a guilty pleasure?
Beer. Enough said.

What fuels your soul?
My soul is fueled by any type of movement as a way of creative expression. I’m highly affected by nature, so not a day goes by when I don’t walk, run, or hike the dog in the national park. Even when on tour, I walk everywhere to explore each new city. I take in all the sights and sounds, preferably in the sunshine and surrounded by water, mountains, or trees.
I am also honestly fueled by helping people with their health and fitness journey. I always get a burst of energy when I chat about fitness or share a workout. If you love what you do, magic happens.
Eve’s Workout Tunes:
There are studies to suggest that you absorb and retain information better if you are learning while moving, so I have actually started listening to podcasts and audiobooks when I work out! I wouldn’t recommend this if you are lifting heavy weights or complicated lifts that require concentration, but I really enjoy it when I do my cardio. Here are some of my favorites:
When I do listen to music, these are my go-to songs:
What motivates you to stay the path?
My clients motivate me. Past and present. I love to be a part of their journey, watch them transform and thrive in life. Seeing them work hard, in and out of the gym, to accomplish their goals motivates me to do the same. My clients are amazing—I have to work extra hard to keep up with them!
Eve’s Favorite Words of Motivation:

Looking for a proven fitness routine that suits your busy lifestyle? fit52 offers creative workouts you can do anytime, anywhere. Download fit52 now.